Tuesday 10 June 2014

Who am I?

I declare that if we knew who we were, the world would be a lot different.

If we knew that we were meant for something better, we would do things a lot differently, we would not only feel better about ourselves, but we would respect each other and treat each other differently.

I testify that each and every one of us is a child of God. We are literally God's spirit children, destined to one day become like Him and enjoy the same blessings and joys that He does. 

We are divine and glorious beings, everyone on this earth are our brothers and sisters.

A very wise missionary once asked me what I would do if I saw my brother while I was walking down the street. We both knew I hadn't seen him for a long time.

"I would be very happy and excited to see him," I replied, "I'd probably hug him and tell him that I loved him."

"That is how we should respond when we see someone walking down the street," He responded, "We should be excited and happy to see them, because we haven't seen them for a long time, they are our brothers and sisters- we knew each other before we came here and we loved each other dearly."

This completely changed my perspective. Instead of making preconceived negative judgments, I knew that each and every one of those people were divine beings. Instead of seeing people as who they were, I saw them as who they could become.  

How would you act differently if you knew that you knew that you were God's child? How would you treat others around you?

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