Tuesday 3 June 2014

Answers at Church

This week has been really amazing, especially being at church on Sunday.

Chapels are different than Temples, chapels are where we go to church, worship, and meet together. Unlike a temple, visitors are always welcome- our meeting houses are not usually open during the week unless there are meetings going on, but Sundays are the usually the best days to catch our doors open.

Sundays we usually partake of the Sacrament to renew promises we made to God at our baptism, learn from one another, and receive revelation or knowledge from God.

Every Sunday is a special day for me, because I feel refreshed and happy when I attend church, but not only that, I receive answers to my questions, and I hear exactly what I need to hear. 

Sometimes its not what we want to hear, but its filling. For instance, this sunday I was struggling a lot, I was in a lot of pain. And I had been thinking and pondering about what Heavenly Father wanted me to do about my situation for a very long time.

I was listening to the speakers, and they all had very good messages to share, and I learned from each and every one of them. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members of the congregation are assigned to speak. One of the messages in particular really hit home to me. As a matter of fact, he went through a very similar situation to mine, with the exception that his was on a more extreme basis. He too struggled with knowing what Heavenly Father wanted him to do. 

The counsel that he received and the things he learned from his experience were almost exactly the things that I needed to hear from our Heavenly Father. Some of those things were the things that God wanted me to learn. Although some of it wasn't what I wanted to hear, it was what I needed. God knows us so individually and so he knows what we need versus what we think that we need. He wants the best for us. 

I thanked him for his message, and I knew what I needed to do this week to become better. When we partake of the sacrament on Sunday, we renew a promise we made to God to keep the commandments, and I knew what I could do to make my week better than it was last week- to learn from this young man's experiences and to apply the things he learned into my life. 

I think that is why I love going to church so much, because it strengthens us, uplifts us, gives us answers to our questions, and much needed guidance to strengthen us throughout the week. Every time I go there is a special spirit, one that cannot be found anywhere else with exception to the temple. 

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